Dev experience.

Including case studies, notes, and public repositories.

Case studies

Business intelligence tracking web app

Type of work
full-stack development, some UX design
Northcraft wanted to create an internal app they could use to track and trace business intelligence data and queries used for clients of their SingularIT product.
Working part-time over the span of a few months, I developed the first version of a full-stack web app using their preferred Microsoft technologies: SQL Server, Entity Framework Core, C#, MVC. I collaborated with the CEO and the director of development to use and refine an initial data model they designed in the past. We battle-tested the app with data extracted from clients, and used this to further refine the experience and presentation, such as by adding searching and filtering where appropriate. The CEO began using it to further track and trace client data, and used it in demonstrations with potential clients to show how the company was keeping the integrity of client data. The success of these demos led to the CEO considering offering the app as an additional product for clients.
full-stack development, C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Entity Framework Core, MS SQL Server, SQL, Linq, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APIs, REST, distributed version control, git, gitea server
This was my first development-focused project since becoming a UX designer 20+ years ago. I truly enjoyed building the application from the ground up, and focused initially on familiarizing myself with the various technology used. While getting basic forms in place for data entry and management, I collaborated closely with the client to better understand the domain and redesign some flows and forms to be more user-friendly and efficient. Over the course of developing the app, I deepened my experience with various facets of the development lifecycle, ensuring data and code integrity.
My GitHub repos

Coding samples—mostly data science and R programming projects for Coursera data science courses.
UX + IA experience

Learn about my IA + UX experience via some case studies.
